How to transfer token across network mainnet in Metamask/WalletConnect

Phong Yew Tong
4 min readDec 29, 2021


metamask network mainnet
metamask network mainnet
walletconnect network mainnet
walletconnect network mainnet

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As you begin to purchase more NFTs and play more crypto games, you will be hit with a question on how to transfer to another network/mainnet through Metamask or WalletConnect. Initially, I thought Metamask or WalletConnect will do the job but after some digging, we definitely need something more than that. There are a couple of ways you can do it using an exchange or a bridge.

Transfer between your exchange and Metamask/WalletConnect wallet.

I will be using and Metamask through the Binance Smart Chain(BSC) to polygon(MATIC) network for this example.

If you do not have an account for yet, you can use my referral link >> Both of us get some benefits from it. 😊

Simple Summary:
Metamask(BSC Mainnet) >> >> Metamask(Polygon Mainnet)

how to get bnb address from
how to get bnb address from
  1. Go to your app, click transfer, deposit, crypto.
  2. Search for BNB and click.
  3. Click on BSC tab and copy your BNB wallet address on Binance Smart Chain.
how to send bnb to from metamask
how to send bnb to from metamask
  1. Select Binance Smart Chain Mainnet and click send.
  2. Paste your BNB wallet address you copied from
  3. Enter the BNB amount, click next and confirm.
how to swap bnb to polygon on
how to swap bnb to polygon on
  1. Go to app, click trade, and buy.
  2. Search for Polygon and click.
  3. Select Crypto Wallet, enter the amount to buy and use your Binance Coins(BNB) to buy Polygon(Matic)
  4. Check the amount and click continue. No fee is charged.

I believe you might lose some tokens while swapping because of the spread. Let me know if I am wrong, I really want to get this right. 🤔

how to sent bnb to metamask
how to sent bnb to metamask
  1. Go to app, click trade, and withdraw.
  2. Click External Wallet.
  3. Add your Metamask Polygon address, if you have not. Select the Polygon tab, paste your Metamask address and click continue.
  4. Select your newly added Metamask Polygon address
  5. Enter the amount and click withdraw.

Once it's successful, Metamask will show the value, it can take mins to hours. There was a time the transfer takes 5 hrs and scare the shit out of me and made me wonder if I sent it to the correct address. 🤣🤣🤣
  1. Connect your Metamask/WalletConnect Wallet. Always check for the correct URL before connecting, to avoid being hacked.
  2. Select your desired network, enter the amount to transfer, then swap.
  3. Then click Claim it. tokens tokens

On xpollinate, the fees are very low but there are limited tokens you can transfer to, so you might need to swap the token to ETH, USDC, USDT, etc before you can transfer across the network which you need to pay some gas fee. 😅
  1. Connect your Metamask/WalletConnect Wallet. Always check for the correct URL before connecting, to avoid being hacked.
  2. Select your desired network and enter the amount to transfer.

On Rubic it's pretty straightforward, the example above shows transferring from Eth on Ethereum Network to BNB on BSC(Binance Smart Chain). Please be cautious about the gas fees before confirming it can be expensive, especially on Ethereum network. I was swapping BNB to Polygon(MATIC) and it cost about 0.1 BNB++.

This is for just between Ethereum and Polygon(MATIC).

polygon bridge
polygon bridge
  1. Connect your Metamask/WalletConnect Wallet. Always check for the correct URL before connecting, to avoid being hacked.
  2. Enter the amount to transfer, click transfer.


Across the 3 methods, I really like Rubic because of its simplicity but the gas fee can be high. So I end up using xpollinate, manually doing a couple more swaps, and saving some fees. If you are just transferring between Polygon and Ethereum you can just use

Disclaimer: I am not sponsored by any exchange, please use it at our own risk.

Drop me some claps if you like this article, it motivates me to create more articles! Thanks! 👏👏👏

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