How to setup gala music/game node on Google Cloud server

Phong Yew Tong
5 min readSep 18, 2022


Google Cloud is one of the best cloud services out there, that's why I pick Google Cloud to run the Gala Nodes.

If you do not wish to setup it up yourself, I can setup it up for you at $19.99 USD per node on my server compared to $30.46 USD monthly if you run it yourself. Just discord me @tong#7615.

Create a Google Cloud Account

  1. Sign up for a Google Cloud Account using this link below
  2. Go into the Google Console after signing up

Setup a Google Cloud Billing Account

  1. Select the Billing tab on the left navigation bar.

2. Click on Create Account.

3. Name your billing account and click continue.

4. Set up your billing profile, add a card and submit. You are done with the Google Cloud billing Account!

Google Cloud only accept debit or credit card, it does not accept wallet card or card that needs to top up.

How to setup Gala Music / Game Node

Click on Select a project (new account) on the top left and click on New Project.

Name your project, choose the billing account you created, and click Create.

Now you should be on your "Gala Music Node" project.

On the left bar, select Compute Engine >> VM instances.

5. Click on Create Instance

Go to Marketplace >> Click on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS >> Launch

Name your instance and change it to the following:

Series: E2
Machine type: e2-medium (2 vCPU, 4 GB memory)
Boot disk: 60GB

Gala Requirement on

2 CPU Cores
60 GB Disk Space
An x86/X64 Processor
A Stable Internet Connection

It will cost you $30.46 USD monthly to run 1 instance on us-central 1(lowa), click Create and wait for the instance to be ready.

Wait for the instance status to turn into a green tick, then click on SSH. Another window will pop up.

Copy and paste the below command and hit Enter to update ubuntu.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y

Install Gala music / game node using the command below and you will see the UI. Pick yes and hit enter.

wget -O; sudo bash

When it's installed. Copy the URL and paste it onto your browser to log in.

Then do the login steps for your gala account.

If it's successfully logged into your Gala music / game Account, you will see the congrat message.

Go back to the Google Cloud ssh browser, you will see the workload selector. Use your arrow key to navigate down and the space bar to put an [X] on your selected gala music / game node, click Save, then ESC key.

Installation finished. Hit Enter.

Your gala music / game node will be running.

To confirm if your gala music / game node is running you can also go to your gala music / game account to check the numbers of nodes online.

Your gala music / game node is up and running on Google Cloud. WOOOOoooo!

Let me know if you want me to setup it up for you at a cheaper cost. Just discord me @tong#7615.

Drop me some claps and follow me if this article helps you, it motivates me to create more! Thank you, everyone! 👏👏👏👏👏



Phong Yew Tong

Entrepreneurship, React, Flutter, Firebase, Typescript, Javascript, ChatGPT, Crypto. Visit