How to fix Flutter stuck at “running pod install…” when running on vscode building on iPhone simulator.

Phong Yew Tong
3 min readApr 29, 2020


How to fix Flutter stuck at “running pod install…” when running on vscode building on iPhone simulator.
Photo by Fabian Grohs on Unsplash

This can frustrating, I encountered this flutter issue on my iPhone simulator 3 times in a row when dealing with firebase authentication, google sign, and Facebook login in so I decided to write it down to help you guys. Here is the quick solution if you are stuck at “running pod install…” when running ios simulator on Flutter.

How does this error happen?

This happened when I copy and paste a plugin or flutter pub package,firebase_authon pubspec.yaml while a build is running on the iPhone simulator. Although the installation was successful, there is an error showing the plugin is missing. So I stop and re-run the app on the iPhone simulator and it got stuck at “running pod install…”.

This is the error on my vscode debug console.

flutter: error:MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method


  1. Delete the podfile.lock file from the ios folder.
  2. Open the terminal, go to ios folder directory and run Pod install . It could take some time to install.
Terminal running pod install
Terminal running pod install

3. In the same directory, run open Runner.xcworkspace on the terminal.

4. After Xcode is open, make sure you are on iOS deployment target “8”. If by any chance you are using this Facebook login plugin flutter_facebook_login you might need to change the target to 9. If your iPhone simulator hangs or “not responding” just restart it and launch again.

xcode deployment target
Xcode deployment target

If you encounter the error below you might wanna read the article for a quick fix.

error:MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method

Thank you, everyone. I hope it helps someone on the road to Flutter development. If it does, drop me a few claps 👏 👏 👏 …! Happy Fluttering!

Problems you might encounter:



Phong Yew Tong

Entrepreneurship, React, Flutter, Firebase, Typescript, Javascript, ChatGPT, Crypto. Visit