A Javascript Timeline
2 min readJan 5, 2023
All JavaScript released refers to all versions of the JavaScript programming language that have been released to the public. JavaScript is a widely used programming language that is commonly used for building web applications and creating interactive elements on websites. It has undergone many updates and improvements over the years, with the latest version being ECMAScript 2021 (ES2021).
Some notable releases of JavaScript include:
- 1995 — JavaScript was created by Netscape Communications Corporation. It was designed to be used in web browsers and was aimed at adding interactivity to websites.
- 1997 — ECMAScript was released. ECMA International released the first standardized version of JavaScript, known as ECMAScript.
- 1998 — ECMAScript 2 was released. Microsoft released Internet Explorer 4.0 which included support for JavaScript.
- Basic syntax and features for the language - 1999 — ECMAScript 3 was released.
- regular expressions
- try/catch
- switch
- do-while - 2005 — ECMAScript 4 was proposed but never released due to 2006 — Google released its own version of JavaScript called Google Web Toolkit (GWT)
- 2009 — ECMAScript 5 was released, adding new features such as strict mode and support for JSON
- strict mode
- JSON support
- String.trim()
- Array.isArray()
- Array iteration methods
- Allows trailing commas for object literals - 2015 — ECMAScript 6 or ECMAScript 2015 was released.
- let and const
- default parameter values
- Array.find()
- Array.findIndex() - 2016 — ECMAScript 7 or ECMAScript 2016 was released.
- exponential operator (**)
- Array.includes() - 2017 — ECMAScript 8 or ECMAScript 2017 was released.
- string padding
- Object.entries()
- Object.values()
- async functions
- shared memory
- Allows trailing commas for function parameters - 2018— ECMAScript 9 or ECMAScript 2018 was released.
- rest / spread properties
- asynchronous iteration
- Promise.finally()
- Additions to RegExp - 2019 — ECMAScript 10 or ECMAScript 2019 was released.
- String.trimStart()
- String.trimEnd()
- Array.flat()
- Object.fromEntries
- Optional catch binding
- globalThis - 2020 — ECMAScript 11 or ECMAScript 2020 was released
- The Nullish Coalescing Operator (??)
- optional chaining. - 2021 — ECMAScript 12 or ECMAScript 2021 was released.
- Promise any()
- String.replaceAll()
- Numeric separators - 2022— ECMAScript 13 or ECMAScript 2022 was released.
- Top-level await
- Private instance fields, methods, and accessors
- Static class fields and methods
- Static class initialization blocks
- Error: .cause
- Array, String, and TypedArray: .at() Method
- Object: .hasOwn()
- RegExp: match .indices (‘d’ flag)
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